Drug Mechanism Of Action: 3D Animation To The Rescue
Every Substance Taken Into The Body Affects It. Drug Mechanism Of Action Is A Term Used To Describe The Effect Of A Drug On The Body.
Drug mechanism of action, popularly referred to as “drug MOA,” is a term used to describe a drug’s effect on the body.
It’s a pharmacology term that can be used to explain the two types of pharmacological actions of drugs which are pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
Pharmacokinetics is about how the body reacts to the presence of a drug as it moves through it. It goes into great detail about how drugs move around the body, how they are absorbed, dispersed to their places of action, and how they are being eliminated from the body.
On the other hand, pharmacodynamics is about the action of the drugs themselves on the body. It’s more about a drug’s molecular, biochemical, and physiologic effects on the body.
Understanding a drug’s MOA is quite important as it helps show whether or not the medication is safe for consumption.
How Useful Can Knowing Drug Mechanism Of Action Be
Over the years, understanding drug mechanism of action is not a task that has been left only to pharmacology students and professors. It has proven helpful to a lot more audiences like investors, users, potential partners, patients, health care personnel, etc.
In fact, the usefulness of understanding drug mechanism of action has cut into the legal industry as the court may require an expert witness to explain how a drug works in a case of medical malpractice.
However, explaining the biochemical interaction in the body to a non-pharmacology audience can be a daunting task since they may not understand the terms being used.
The emergence of this problem has given birth to the use of 3D animation in explaining the concept to a non-pharmacology audience.
Explaining Drug Mechanism Of Action With 3d Animation
In a room full of potential investors, users of drugs, legal professionals, and others who may not be savvy in pharmacology, using 3D animation to explain how a drug works have been a breath of fresh air.
Companies now actively use 3D animation to explain how their drug works in their marketing content. This will help the audience’s understanding and retention of the properties of the drugs and how it affects the body system.
Rather than making a speech, which will create a complex narrative of the biochemical interactions in the body caused by the intake of a drug, 3D animation can create a compelling narrative, showing the effect a drug has on the body of a user to the audience.
Coming to the legal scene, in a court case where the use of a drug led to harm or injury in a patient, explaining a drug’s mechanism of action using a 3D animation as a visual legal strategy or courtroom animation can be a winning tactic.
The case of Spyrka v. County of Cook serves as a reference where attorneys can use 3D animation to explain drug mechanism of action if they have similar circumstances surrounding their case.
In the above case, the use of Heparin, a drug used to treat and prevent blood clots in the body, was withdrawn by one of the medical personnel treating the victim.
Using the above-mentioned drug can reduce the risk of a fatal pulmonary embolism. However, its use was discontinued, which led to the victim’s death.
An expert witness sought to use a video animation that would explain the disease and how the use of Heparin and its presence in the body could have prevented the victim’s death.
The naked eye cannot see how a drug works or how the body reacts to its use. However, technology has made it easy with the advent of 3D animation.
Drug mechanism of action can now be clearly explained with 3D animation showing how a drug works. This can help improve the understanding of different parties about the safety of a drug, how the body reacts to a certain drug and help attain justice in cases where drug misuse led to injury on death in a victim.